End of Line: The Blog Train Broke Down

Welp, folks. It happened.

We officially reached that late point in the season where the blog train broke down on us, ran completely out of gas. It’s the time of year where the stars aren’t playing, they be resting up for the playoffs. Not that we consider ourselves stars by any means. We are more in line with the Josh Magette’s (WHO HE!?) of the world, the seasoned G leaguer who is riding the pine but raising the roof every chance we get, just loving life. But like the stars, we have to get our rest. The playoffs are almost here, son! We have a long journey ahead.

The blog train wasn’t designed for The Bubble, a post-beginning-of-Corona oasis of 10+ straight hours of NBA basketball, daily. The blog train was designed for the regular season, in winter, where we could watch all of the NBA from 7pm to 1am and blog about what we saw, making sure nothing slipped through the cracks. Well, ain’t nothing slipping out of The Bubble. The entire free world has their eyes glued on Orlando. (As it should be!) But don’t you think for one gahdamn second that just because the blog train isn’t leaving the station that we aren’t out here watching the same as always. We are very much still out here. The blog train just reached the end of line. Kind of like the Spurs playoff streak. 22 years! Kind of like the Suns playoffs hopes despite running the motherfuckin’ bubble table. OUR Suns!!! It was the Suns first 8-game winning streak in… ten years. We tip our cap to Book. Much love, homie.

Let’s briefly babble about tonight’s instant classic. Blazers vs. Nets. Win or go home for Portland and Dame D.O.L.L.A. It was Dame Time, of course, but Brooklyn absolutely DID NOT roll over. The bubble Nets gave it their all. They gave us a show. Shoutout Caris LeVert!!! Shoutout Timothe Luwawu-Cabarrot! Jacque Vaughn, we see you.

The Blazers were in serious trouble. Then Dame pulled up from nearly half court. (Shoutout 2015-2016 Steph Curry, forever in our hearts.) Nurkic continued to dominate down low. Gary Trent in the corner, “The Man Possessed.” MELOOOOOOO! *jabs fingers to side of head* It was Dame’s defense (!!) that showed up when it mattered most. McCollum’s clutch pull-up in the mid-range, no doubt about it. LeVert’s And-1. “This ain’t over!” Melo open again but missed it!! LeVert deep fadeaway for the win!?!?! Too strong.

(8) Blazers vs. (9) Grizzlies - Bubble Play-In Game on Saturday

See you there.

We love this game!